In the news

March 26, 2015 - WASHINGTON -- Clinton, MD - Software mogul Microsoft has awarded local nonprofit WAKE4Youth an extraordinary In-kind Donation toward their technology needs. The donation from Microsoft will provide the organization with a cloud-based infrastructure that WAKE4Youth will need to successfully implement their youth programs to the DC Metropolitan area communities.

Clinton, MD - Internet giant Google has awarded local nonprofit WAKE4Youth, a Google Ad Grant of $120,000 to use towards mission-based ad campaigns. The grant will sponsor WAKE4Youth’s efforts to raise awareness as well as connect businesses and individuals who are concerned with critical issues of education in the District of Columbia Metropolitan Area...

March 23, 2015 - CLINTON, Md. -- WAKE4YOUTH today received the GuideStar Exchange ( Gold participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information. This level demonstrates WAKE4YOUTH’s deep commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.

Business Roundtable for Education Article, Why I do it?

Nicholas Orem students learn importance of grades, career aspirations

Don Musgrove - Scholars Ambassador for Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT)