WAKE4YOUTH HAS Reached the GuideStar Exchange Gold Participation Level as a Demonstration of Its Com

CLINTON, MD – WAKE4YOUTH today received the GuideStar Exchange Gold participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information. This level demonstrates WAKE4YOUTH’s deep commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.
"We have worked hard to showcase our progress toward our mission, and our long-held belief in being transparent about our work, to our constituents," said Donald Lee Musgrove II, President and CEO, WAKE4Youth. "As a GuideStar Exchange participant, we use their platform to share a wealth of up-to-date information about our work to our supporters and GuideStar's immense online audience of nonprofits, grantmakers, individual donors, and the media."
In order to be awarded the GuideStar Exchange logo, WAKE4Youth had to fill out every required field of our nonprofit report page on www.guidestar.org for the Gold level of participation.
"I encourage you to check out our profile on GuideStar to see what we're all about," added B. Lenard, WAKE4Youth. "We are engaged in exciting initiatives, and we are thrilled to have another platform for communicating our advancement and progress."

About the GuideStar Exchange
The GuideStar Exchange is an initiative designed to connect nonprofits with current and potential supporters. With millions of people coming to GuideStar to learn more about nonprofit organizations, the GuideStar Exchange allows nonprofits to share a wealth of up-to-date information with GuideStar's many audiences. Becoming a GuideStar Exchange participant is free of charge. To join, organizations need to update their report pages, completing all required fields for participation. The GuideStar Exchange level logos, acknowledged as symbols of transparency in the nonprofit sector, are displayed on all Exchange participants' nonprofit reports.
WAKE4Youth exists to provide inspiration and education to empower adolescents to successfully achieve their highest quality of life, aid in reducing high school dropout rates and juvenile recidivism.
We provide services to youths by way of knowledge, support and mentorship to empower and motivate youths, in their teenage years, to addresses critical issues of education in the underprivileged District of Columbia metropolitan area communities - through our programs - to deliver a high standard of ethics, accountability and best practice management.
Please visit our website at www.wake4youth.org
News Contact: Press@wake4youth.org